Integral University Distance Education Admission 2023 | Courses Full Details

Lucknow, the capital of Uttar Pradesh, is home to the prestigious private university Integral University. It was first known as the Institute of Integral Technology, Lucknow when it first opened its doors in 1998, but it later changed its name to a university. The university offers both on-campus and Distance course options. The Open & Distance Learning (ODL) System of Integral University has received approval from the University Grants Commission (UGC)-Distance Education Bureau (DEB) to offer distance education programs within the authorized area. Courses and programs at Integral University Distance Education undergo frequent revisions to keep up with the ever-changing needs of the industry. In addition to any other aid that they may need, students are given assistance through a variety of channels, including a specific website, software, call center, counseling, feedback, a mechanism for resolving complaints, an SLM, and audio-video lectures. Job advice is provided to people who...